
. . . so what is Modern quilting?



According to MQG.com, modern quilts include, but are not limited to: “The use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work. “Modern traditionalism” or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.”


However, one of the most often asked questions by new members and visitors of the guild is, “I don’t know if what I do is considered modern?”

We don’t care what you consider yourself.  We want you to share your talents with us.  So many quilters that started out as traditionalists found that many of the characteristics of modern quilting were what they were searching for all along, they just didn’t know how to define their art.  As our president, Amanda Ruden, likes to stress, “Modern quilting is a state of mind.”  It’s about bringing together a community of people willing to both embrace tradition and be willing to cast rules aside.  Your quilt has no neutrals?  So what.  You improvisationaly pieced civil war repro fabric?  So what.  You made a churn and dash with your favorite novelty prints?  So what.  You mixed batik with Kona solids?  So what.  You only stipple?  So what.  We want you.  We want your creative vision.  We want your enthusiasm to create.  We want your friendly face.  We want you to teach.  We want you to learn.  We want you to make friends.  We want you to have fun doing whatever you like to do.  We are the Albuquerque chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild.  We expect all of our members to be as funky and varied as the city itself.  This is the wild west people.  And in the wild west, there are no rules.




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